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Tzedakah, Tikkun Olam and Social Action

This High Holiday Season, Congregation Mickve Israel offers many opportunities for you to help our community.

Operation Isaiah

Isaiah was a prophet whose words are read each year on Yom Kippur.  Join the Savannah Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Services during Operation Isaiah by doing a mitzvah this High Holiday season and donating food to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank. Donation barrels are located at Congregation Mickve Israel, Congregation Agudath Achim, Congregation B’nai Brith Jacob, Jewish Education Alliance, Rambam Day School, Chabad of Savannah.  Visit WWW.SAVJ.org to make a monetary donation.

Feeding the Hungry

Join our Mickve Israel family as we work to feed the hungry. Congregation Mickve Israel partners with the Lutheran Church of the Ascension to serve dinner to those with food insecurities one Tuesday night per month. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve the food for the meal. Please check your e-blast for volunteer sign ups. Monetary support is also needed. Food costs run between $300 - $350 each month as we prepare food for 90 meals. Donations can be made by calling the office or on Congregation Mickve Israel's website. Earmark your donation for the Social Action Fund and note on the check or online "Feeding the Hungry."

A special thank you goes out to Jonathan Schwartz, Ron Fagin, Harriet Meyerhoff and Toby Hollander for sponsoring past months meals.

Backpack Buddies

We are beginning our 16th year providing weekend meals and school supplies to children at The Early Learning Center (formerly East Broad Elementary), Shuman Elementary and STEM Academy. We invite you to help us with packaged meals, healthy snacks, and school supplies again this year. Below are sample items that will help the children be nourished and ready to learn.
Packaged Foods: canned chicken or tuna, Mac/Cheese, canned meals (such as Chef Boy-ar-dee ravioli, stews, beans and franks), fruit juices, or fruit cups, raisins, cereal, shelf-stable milk (plain or chocolate), pudding cups, sandwich crackers (peanut butter or cheese), applesauce cups, trail mixes or healthy snacks and cookies.
School Supplies: #2 pencils, pink erasers, spiral notebooks (wide ruled) glue sticks,
crayons, blunt tip scissors, plastic pocket folders, box of tissues, hand sanitizer
These items may be placed in the barrel located in the atrium and in the back of the sanctuary.
If you cannot bring in foods, please consider making a financial donation to our Social Action Fund online (please note it is for Backpack Buddies).
If you would like to volunteer to pack or schlep items for delivery, contact Kt Celiz at KtCeliz@MickveIsrael.org

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784