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Operating and Endowment Funds*

Congregation Mickve Israel relies upon membership dues, donations, and endowment funds to support the myriad of activities conducted throughout the year.  Below is a list of the various operating and endowment funds for our community to support. The funds listed in the Memorial Endowment Foundation, as well as the Permanent Fund, are invested for long-term growth and have prescribed rules for each fund. To donate to a specific account or fund, click on the underlined name. If you have questions, please contact the Executive Director or Finance Director. Thank you for your support of our congregation.

General Operating Account:  The account for yearly dues, donations, and event payments which supports our annual operating expenses.

Social Action Fund:  A fund designated to support Social Action projects coordinated by the clergy and Social Action Committee, including Backpack Buddies, JUST, Congregations in Service and other projects.

Norman G. Hirsch/URJ Camps Scholarship Fund: A fund to support attendance of Jewish camps by Mickve Israel youth. Scholarship grants are coordinated by the Clergy and Youth programming staff.

Museum, History and Heritage Fund: A fund to support programs involving the long and rich history of Congregation Mickve Israel. The History and Heritage Committee coordinates the use of these funds throughout the year.

Dick Hochman Docent Fund: Created by the family of Dick Hochman (obm), this fund is designated to provide educational programs and material support for the work of our volunteer Docents, as well as resources to help educate the public about Mickve Israel and the Jewish faith.

Military Outreach Fund:  A fund intended to permit military personnel to participate in Temple programs and Jewish life.

Sutker Memorial Technology Fund:  A restricted fund used for upkeep and enhancement of our audio-visual equipment and supplies.

Rabbi’s Discretionary (George and Julia Solomons Memorial Fund): Donations to this fund used by the Rabbi to support community and individual needs at his/her discretion.  

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund:  Donations to this fund are used by the Cantor to support community and individual needs at his/her discretion.  

Building Maintenance Fund: This fund assists in covering annual operating expenses for unexpected smaller repairs and purchases.

Memorial Endowment Foundation (MEF):  Begun in 1944, this endowment fund was established to serve the congregation through earned income from investments. Currently the MEF has 3 appointed trustees who manage the general MEF fund, as well as named designated funds (see below)

  • Mildred A. Kuhr Music Fund: A restricted fund used to provide a professional female singer to sing in the Classical Reform tradition for Shabbat and holiday services.
  • Alan Gaynor Museum Fund: This fund is designated to support the development and display of the CMI Museum collections, as well as the care and maintenance of the Museum itself.  Through a bequest by Alan Gaynor, who spent many years working in support of the museum, the Gaynor Museum Fund continues to ensure high quality displays and museum care.
  • Carol and Joel Greenberg Musical Event Fund: This fund supports at least one event annually focused on Jewish or Israeli musical material. This may include traditional, folk, modern, liturgical or religious music, music by a Jewish composer or performances by a Jewish artist featuring such music, or an educational event focused on these themes. Through 2030 the musical event planned will be to honor the memory of CMI musical leaders, Cantor Bruce Siegel (obm) and Julie Hirsch (obm).
  • Shirley and Philip Solomons Building Maintenance Fund: A restricted fund for large building maintenance needs, including care of the Mordecai Sheftall Memorial Hall and our historic sanctuary. This includes renovation and repairs to the building, organ, kitchen and major appliances/fixtures. Its designated purpose is deferred maintenance and building renovation projects, upon approval of the Board of Adjunta.
  • Isaacs Social Action Fund: Created through a bequest by Jacques and Gloria Isaacs, this fund is earmarked to support the Backpack Buddies program as well as other activities of the Social Action Committee.

Permanent Fund: Started in 1849, this endowment fund serves the congregation by incorporating its annual earned income into the Temple operating funds.

*Note: Some funds are not yet listed above, these will be added in the coming weeks.

Sun, March 23 2025 23 Adar 5785