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Book of Remembrance 2024

Preparations are underway for the 2024 Book of Remembrance which will be published this Yom Kippur, October 12th, to honor the memory of our departed loved ones.

Publication of the Book of Remembrance during the High Holy Days is a time-honored way to memorialize both relatives and friends who live on in our hearts. The Jewish custom is to recall their names and to make a donation which honors their memory, and which helps us hold on to those memories. You may include as many names as you wish in the Book of Remembrance.

Please supply the information to us by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to ensure the Book of Remembrance is ready to share during Yizkor Services on Yom Kippur, as well as electronically to the entire congregation.

For further information, please contact  Katie Celiz or call the Temple office to speak with a staff member.

Please enter each name on separate lines.
(If you would like us to use last year's names please indicate above.)
Please enter each name on separate lines.
(If you would like us to use last year's names please indicate above.)
We ask that for each name listed members contribute $18 or more, and non-members $36 per name included.


Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784